Your conditions: George, Strawn
  • Not Ready for Convergence in Data Infrastructures

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2022-11-27 Cooperative journals: 《数据智能(英文)》

    Abstract: Much research is dependent on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Researchers in different research domains have set up their own ICT systems (data labs) to support their research, from data collection (observation, experiment, simulation) through analysis (analytics, visualisation) to publication. However, too frequently the Digital Objects (DOs) upon which the research results are based are not curated and thus neither available for reproduction of the research nor utilization for other (e.g., multidisciplinary) research purposes. The key to curation is rich metadata recording not only a description of the DO and the conditions of its use but also the provenance – the trail of actions performed on the DO along the research workflow. There are increasing real-world requirements for multidisciplinary research. With DOs in domain#2;specific ICT systems (silos), commonly with inadequate metadata, such research is hindered. Despite wide agreement on principles for achieving FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) utilization of research data, current practices fall short. FAIR DOs offer a way forward. The paradoxes, barriers and possible solutions are examined. The key is persuading the researcher to adopt best practices which implies decreasing the cost (easy to use autonomic tools) and increasing the benefit (incentives such as acknowledgement and citation) while maintaining researcher independence and flexibility.

  • Open Science and the Hype Cycle

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2022-11-27 Cooperative journals: 《数据智能(英文)》

    Abstract: The introduction of a new technology or innovation is often accompanied by “ups and downs” in its fortunes. Gartner Inc. defined a so-called hype cycle to describe a general pattern that many innovations experience: technology trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, and plateau of productivity. This article will compare the ongoing introduction of Open Science (OS) with the hype cycle model and speculate on the relevance of that model to OS. Lest the title of this article mislead the reader, be assured that the author believes that OS should happen and that it will happen. However, I also believe that the path to OS will be longer than many of us had hoped. I will give a brief history of the today’s “semi-open” science, define what I mean by OS, define the hype cycle and where OS is now on that cycle, and finally speculate what it will take to traverse the cycle and rise to its plateau of productivity (as described by Gartner).

  • Comments to Jean-Claude Burgelman’s article Politics and Open Science: How the European Open Science Cloud Became Reality (the Untold Story)

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2022-11-27 Cooperative journals: 《数据智能(英文)》

    Abstract: I have heard Europeans joke about themselves saying, “America innovates, Asia imitates, and Europe hesitates.” However, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a case where Europe is innovating while America is hesitating. I’m a committed believer in Open Data (OD) and Open Science (OS), so I salute their leadership. And I appreciate Jean-Claude’s giving us an insider’s view as to how this leadership (and its associated challenges) came about. I had the good fortune of “being on the inside” in some of the projects which led to today’s global Internet, so my brief remarks will focus on describing some of the salient features of the Internet development that may (or may not) apply to the EOSC development.